PlatformQ Education has recently released five engagement tools to help our clients better reach their prospective and admitted students across multiple channels. Take a look at our new products, why we love them and why you should too!
• What it is: Q-Mail is our email marketing solution that supports automated and intelligent campaigns, based on your unique audience segmentation needs.
• Why we love it: Finally! An email solution that is easy to use and customizable! Q-Mail offers an uncomplicated interface to build emails, custom fields to mirror your SIS or CRM, a media library to save your marketing materials, and reporting that is easy to comprehend.
• What it is: Q-Message is our global SMS texting platform.
• Why we love it: this texting platform allows you to easily connect with both domestic AND international prospects, in fact we can send texts to 190+ countries and territories without the hassle of silo-ed, country-by- country messaging. With the coming generation’s primary use of smartphones, this powerful tool puts you where your prospects are!
• What it is: Q-Token creates a tokenized login for each student you plan on inviting to your event, allowing them to bypass your registration page, yet will still capture all activity data.
• Why we love it: With any website registration, there is friction. Q-Token helps conversion by reducing the friction of the registration process while increasing event attendance.
• What it is: Q-Board is an online collaboration tool that allows you to poll your audience on the topics and questions that are most important to them. Your audience can either ask a question that they find of importance and/or “up-vote” existing questions that are relevant to them.
• Why we love it: This tool helps you get the most out of your events by understanding what prospects are most interested in learning about your college or university before you host your event.
Campus Connect:
• What it is: Campus Connect is our online chat tool you can embed on your school’s website or any partner site
• Why we love it: Looking for lead generation? This is the greatest and simplest way to do it! With the use of Campus Connect you are not only engaging with students who come to your PlatformQ Conduit page, but also your own website and any partner site you put the widget on.
Wondering if this tool is going to require a lot of effort on your end? Guess again! With a quick JavaScript installation, Campus Connect will be up and running on your site and any site you would like in no time!