Purposeful, Personalized Video Content

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt the way colleges and universities serve incoming students one outcome is becoming more and more likely; new student orientation will (once again) need to happen virtually. Further, even when we return to in-person orientations there will still be ample opportunities to improve new student orientation with a combination of on-demand virtual content ahead of and after in-person experiences.

Our latest enhancement, Conduit Workflow, enables purposeful and personalized video at scale by creating dedicated content paths for your audience based on their unique profile or desired next steps. Your audience “unlocks” content by completing video modules and quizzes with completion rates of as high as 95%.

How UConn Pivoted to an Online Orientation Experience

UConn Conduit Workflow
UConn Orientation Workflow

The University of Connected needed a way to ensure that students could continue their path to campus (whatever that may look like in the fall) on a platform that was now familiar to them.

In partnership with PlatformQ Education, UConn leveraged the brand new Conduit Workflow tool to create a completely on-demand and self-guided experience for students to complete required orientation modules prior to registering for classes. This system was deployed for the main campus in Storrs as well as the Stamford, Hartford, Avery Point and Waterbury, Connecticut campuses.

Conduit Workflow enabled UConn to develop dedicated modules of orientation content, including welcomes from their President, financing, and pre-registration content dedicated to each college and honors program within the institution. Additionally, these modules were organized in to dedicated tracks based on each student’s unique profile. This means that a first year honors student enrolled in the college of engineering at the main campus in Storrs sees different content than a transfer student enrolling at the Waterbury campus … even when the students are enrolling in the same college.

The workflow tool is also intuitive enough to not allow skipping ahead before a required step is completed (i.e. completing a video module or even a quiz) while also recognizing when a student leaves the Conduit environment, returning them back to the module they left off without having to repeat prior content. The student, of course, can always go back to re-review content at any time.

The Results

Within 4 hours of being deployed, nearly 1 in 3 enrolling students had begun their personalized orientation workflow. To date, over 95% of students have completed their required modules ahead of critical summer deadlines with most students completing their personalized workflow during their first session.

UConn successfully leveraged Workflow to provide meaningful Title IX content to their enrolled students prior to registering for the spring semester and will refresh their content for 2021 spring orientation as well.

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The Conduit Workflow tool is available to all PlatformQ Education partners. Contact your Engagement Marketing Strategist for a demo.