Students and families have changed the way they navigate learning about and deciding on colleges and universities. This shouldn’t surprise anyone, but now admissions offices must adapt to this change in audience expectations while staying current with the changing marketing landscapes and managing their balancing act of engagement through hosting in-person, traditional recruitment efforts and the virtual content we’ve all seen as highly effective and efficient. 

Eduventures shared research insights of the various strategies incoming students are utilizing in the discovery and fit stages (which are no longer linear steps in their search process). This research also indicated “a greater preference for digital communication with the admissions offices”.

So what can enrollment teams do to better attract and convert their future class? Whether they are utilizing digital college resource guides, communicating with admissions officers virtually, or relying on the informed insights of alumni, current students, and family, there’s one overarching theme they desire in their search.

Personalization and Segmentation, at Scale. 

Utilizing behavioral insights like Engage Events provides in-depth reporting on students’ interests and virtual behavior, allowing for greater personalization and audience segmentation and removing “Stealth Apps”.

Hyper-Personalized video series and polls in Workflow bring your audience the information they want, paired with the information you want to deliver them – in an orderly and reportable fashion.

Don’t wait until you know everything about them to personalize! With Convert, learning about your audience’s preferences through enhanced email templates, robust virtual consumption reporting, and automated segmentation flows, your marketing reaches the right audiences and sets your institution apart from the rest in their inbox. 

Casting a more efficient net to reach your audience where they are at will continue to be paramount. Through Conduit’s platform, you can plug in your AI chatbots, virtual tour, social media live streaming, behavioral reporting, and other digital recruitment tools to have one organized experience and reporting structure to empower you and your team to make effective strategic recruitment decisions.

The Center of Virtual Engagement is a true one-stop-shop to quickly support the student search desires of today, and the future.